"Never play leapfrog with a unicorn."

Message from Joy: Hullo, everyone. I hope you all had a nice Christmas. Be sure to take a good look at the home page, as I update little stuff pretty frequently. If you'd like to write an update like the ones on the right with the bullets, I'd be your new best friend! Doesn't that sound great? Well, I'd really appreciate it anyway. I'm sure you all get sick of my updates, so it'd be cool to get some other people to do it now and then. Have a happy new year! -JOY

Kook Calendar:

Dec. 25 - Christmas

Jan. 2 - Beth's 16th b-day!

Jan. 11 - LOTR actors birthday bash @ Lake Sherwood..

Jan. 13 - Orli's birthday!!!

Jan. 17 - CFL Scottish Festival (ENTER THE HAGGIS!)

Jan. 28 - Elijah's birthday


Other Kook News:

Please remember to fill out the short survey Joy emailed you, and remember that it will be on the website!!

Joy is looking for nice kooks to write occasional updates (like the ones above) for the website. All you have to do is write a little paragraph about what's been going on with the kooks lately. I'd really appreciate it!

Sign the Guestbook!!

Have I forgotten anything? Tell me!



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Who are the Fellowship Freaks?
The Fellowship Freaks (also known as Kooks) is just a group of Lord of the Rings nuts (among other things). It all started with
the Fellowship Freaks forum. That turned out to be so much fun that we thought it be cool to make our own website, so here we are! (Want to know more?)






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Website last updated at 01/15/2004.


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Kook News & Updates:

  • As it turns out, our LOTR birthday bash wasn't at Lake Sherwood like we planned. On account of two very cheeky girls (who will remain unnamed), we were forced to call the whole thing off, with hopes of rescheduling to another week. You can't, however, call off a party like this one so easily, as we later learned. Later that evening, as Joy was playing the part of greeter with Megan C. at Reformation OPC, she was bombarded by 5 lunatics who came running and screaming at (and, in one case, running INTO) her while she was innocently trying to do her job. After the service, Joy's parents made the mistake of inviting these lunatics over to the Muether crib. Little did they know of the chaos that would later ensue. Joy, Annie, and the lunatics decided to have the LOTR party after all, but were forced to go against tradition and have it in Joy and Annie's bedroom, rather than the Muether van. A great time was had by all. Everyone shpazzed (yes, even Elena), Beth was awarded another signed can (this time by the famous Kooks), and we took lots and lots of pictures. Happy birthday, boys!

-Joy, 1/12/03

JANUARY 11 - DOM/ORLI/ELIJAH B-DAY BASH!!! Mark your calendars!! The Kooks are throwing their second annual birthday party for these phenomenal actors, which will take place after the morning service at Lake Sherwood somewhere in the parking lot. Bring some yummy snacks, party goodies, and what not. Don't forget a camera, if you've got one. See you there!!

-Joy, 1/05/04

 IMPORTANT CHANGE!! I've decided to no longer keep our personal pages, because they're a big pain to keep updated, and they just look sloppy to me. So... I've decided to do something a little different, which is just one big page for all of us, rather like Enter The Haggis' old website. In case you were wondering what that little survey was I sent you to fill out, this is what it was for. (I still need you Coulters to fill it out though! So get hoppin'!) Click here to check out the new page. So, to recap (as Evan Farmer says), from now on the "Meet us Kooks" link will go here, and no more personal pages. Sorry for all you guys that made really spiffy pages that you were oh-so proud of, but I think this had to be done. Please don't throw stuff at me.

-Joy, 1/3/04

Happy birthday, Beth!! Hope you have a swell day!

-Joy, 1/2/04

Our very own Donkey Annie has published her own account of the story of us kooks and how we all met. It is simply incredible, and funny enough to make your sides hurt. I urge you to check it out, and even write your own version of how we all became kooks!

  • We all had the best time on the 17th seeing Return of the King!! The Muethers, Coulters, and Chongs (along with the Watkins) all went to the 2-something showing at the West Oaks Mall. We saw Swirly Boy there, but the cheeky little blighter had gone to the showing before ours! Erin was embarrassing as usual, and Annie and Allison made a new friend with more body piercings than a pin cushion. Joy got a little bruised when Evan sat on her during the previews, but seeing 30 seconds of Tobey on the big screen quickly cured her. We saw the new trailer for the 3rd Harry Potter movie, coming out I believe in June, and were all appalled by the looks of the one-year-older Draco Malfoy. Talk about scary. Legolas was phenomenal, Pippin was quite musical, Merry was hoots, Arwen was not-so-bad, Denethor was creepy, and Frodo was fantasic. All-in-all, we had an excellent time.

-Joy, 12/24/03

WE HAVE CELTIC FEST PICTURES!!! Thanks to Erin, who's sent in her pictures of Enter The Haggis and us from the festival. Check them out here. She also managed to snap a picture of what Brian was thinking! Must have been a special camera or something.... More pictures of the festival will definitely be coming soon. If you have some, email them to Joy pronto!

::::IMPORTANT KOOK NEWS!!!::::: Sorry, Beth, (and all you other fiddler-lovers out there), but we have just received some important information that Brian has a girlfriend. :-( On an even sadder note, so does Trevor.

  • Last Thursday, the Coulters and Muethers went to see the play My Fair Lady at the Mad Cow Theater in downtown Orlando. (We suspect that Allison is the  secret founder of the theater) We had a smashing good time at the play, and Beth even discovered a new crush! Freddy Eynsford-Hill! Be sure to ask her about him next time you see her. The music was fan-dabi-double-dozi, and by far the coolest actor there was the guy who has one of those faces where you think "Hey, I've seen this guy before" because he looks like a friend from high school or work who is a little nerdy, but still a great guy. He was hoots. Allison was very un-sporting during the intermission, however, and refused to give us a taste of a real Irish jig on the stage. What a looooser!

-Joy, 12/9/03

  • We all had a great time at the Dunedin Celtic Festival last Saturday. Enter The Haggis was awesome, and we all got lots of autographs. Beth even got over her shyness around guys (at least for the day), and got all five of the guys to sign her Iron Brew can! Yeah, so now all of Enter The Haggis thinks she's mental, but...at least she got the autographs. Now her can is probably locked in a safe somewhere in her room so that no one will steal Brian's (pitter patter!) signature. LOL. Anyway, we all had a smashing good time, even though Allison was there. We all were deaf by the end of ETH's show, but, for the most part, we're back to normal now. Everyone except Erin, of course; she's still a little freaky. Oh wait, that is normal for her, isn't it? Whatever. Next up is ETH at the Central FL Scottish Highland Games January 17th.

-Joy, 11/27/03

Dear Shpazzy,
I have been sending lots of problems to Help! In the American Girl magazine, but they never put them in the magazine! My life is a wreck, because I never get any help *sniff*. I get really mad at American Girl Magazine, and start chewing the carpet (And I must mention carpet does not taste good), so now we need to get new carpet! How can you get American Girl to put your problem in the magazine? *Sob*. Help!
-Problem girl

Dear Problem Girl *snicker snicker hee haw*

      Whoa. When you signed your name "Problem Girl" you weren't kidding. You are without a doubt the lamest, loser-ish doofus I have ever had the misfortune to respond to. Reading other peoples idiotic problems makes me wonder why I couldn't have just been a bus driver or a mailman. But enough of my misfortunes, let's discuss yours.
     I am puzzled, however, about the nature of your problem. Is it the fact that you are incapable of wording an interesting sentence? Or does the problem lie in that you are not getting any help from the oh-so prestigious Help!?
      Assuming it's the latter, allow me to "help." The best way to get your letters into the AG magazine is simple: put a stamp on your letter before you mail it. But I must warn you, the AG "advice" column does nothing more than randomly splatter words onto a type writer. An AG advice response is rarely coherent let alone "help"-ful. Your best bet in getting advice is in writing to me, honey. I don't mince words. 
     Apropos to your carpet problem, I would recommend that you tile your house and buy some raw-hide dog bones. They're better for your teeth and they do wonders on your frustration.
     I don't harbor any allusions that you are now "problem"-less. What can I say? Some people are born idiots. But for what it's worth, I do believe that you are a little better off than you were before I "help"-ed. As always, glad I "help,"

"Tell me about it!"

Got a problem for Shpazzy the Wise? E-mail her at askshpazzy@kooks.zzn.com for advice!

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